Thursday, September 15, 2011

As the Journey Continues

I have been feeling very reflective over the last few weeks, about everything in the past 5 years that has brought us to this point. I’m finding myself hopeful that our journey will have a happy ending with a third pregnancy. It actually surprises me to feel this way because, truth be told, I can be somewhat pessimistic at times (I know, shocking! lol). Having gone through what Dave and I have gone through in trying to have a family, it’s very hard NOT to be pessimistic about all of it- the TTC, the losses, the sheer amount of time it takes. So it feels really good to finally be feeling positive and hopeful about where God will lead us next, and how the third pregnancy may play out. Whether it takes another few months or another few years to finally have a healthy little one, I strongly feel that it is meant to happen for us. So, moving forward, I’m just focusing on remaining as stress-free as possible and staying optimistic that God will bring us our healthy little one soon enough. And hopefully in time for my baby sister’s wedding a year from now J .