Tuesday, October 12, 2010

A 2-year-old's Insight

So I made my first doctor’s appt for Friday, October 22nd. Based on the day of my LP, the doctor will put me at 6 weeks 4 days at that point; however, based on my O date, I’ll actually be 5 weeks 6 days. My main goal at this appt is to get an u/s to give me some piece of mind that all is going well. With my first pregnancy, my first u/s was the 20 wk one, and I know there is no way I could wait that long this time. In fact, I’m hoping to have another earlier u/s around 14/15 wks to confirm that the baby is growing healthily, so that we can begin telling people at that time.

So, symptom-check time. I am still feeling very good- very happy and peaceful. I am definitely starting to feel the fatigue creeping in, and I have to remind myself to take it easy (like this Sunday when I tried to clean the whole house by myself…um, not such a good idea LOL). I’ve had some soreness in the BB area, but nothing too painful. I’m still cramping a bit, but I guess that’s to be expected as the little tadpole (that’s what she looks like right now!) settles in to her home. The nausea is started to show up more and more, though only for a short while each time. Food helps make it go away, as does rest. My peak nausea times right now are 3:30 in the afternoon and around 8:00 at night. It makes sense- these are the points in the day where I feel most fatigued. I am actually going to pick up one of those Sea-bands (nausea-relief bracelets) and see if it helps.

Alright, fun story time. Yesterday, I was playing outside with the kids I nanny for and we were drawing with chalk. I was drawing a baby (apparently I have babies on the brain, LOL), and I wanted to get some preschooler input on whether I’m having a boy or a girl. So I asked Parker if the baby I was drawing was a boy or girl. He put some real thought into it before saying “girl…no, boy….no, girl.” I asked him if maybe there should be two babies: a boy and a girl. He then said “they’re both girls!” LOL. So let it be shown here that if we are carrying twin girls, Parker said it first, lol. I do think that at some point in my life I will have twins; I just feel it. But I don’t feel that that is the case with this pregnancy. In fact, back on Sept 30th, I actually wrote down my prediction; I believed at that point that I was definitely pregnant and having a girl. So I’m sticking with that guess…for now J .

1 comment:

  1. I am feeling really really fatigued too! I also tried cleaning the whole house by myself...needless to say the kitchen got clean and that's it. lol. I almost feel like I'm carrying twins this time...goodness help me. lol. With my daughter that I lost, I knew from day one she was a girl. It was just confirmed by genetic testing. This time, I have a pull towards the baby being a boy. Who knows, but here's to good Dr.'s that are willing to give us peace of mind that our little ones are healthy!! April
